Realign Your Life: A 5-Step Purpose Audit

Are your goals and daily activities aligned with your God-given purpose? In a world full of distractions, staying rooted in who God created you to be can feel challenging. As a woman of purpose actively pursuing your calling, I know it’s important that you feel you are on the right path. That’s why I’ve developed the A.L.I.G.N. framework, a five-step process to help you realign your life with God’s purpose.

Step 1: Acknowledge Who God Created You to Be: Your purpose isn’t what you do; it’s who you are. Genesis 1:27 reminds us that we are made in God’s image. When you start with this foundation, you’ll make decisions from a place of confidence and faith.

Step 2: Look Deeper at Your Values: Ephesians 5:22-26 encourages us to create a life that reflects the fruit of the spirit. Are your values aligned with your goals?

Step 3: Identify God-Honoring Desires Psalm 37:4 promises that when we delight in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts. But not all desires are divine. Use the Purpose Filter in the ALIGN workbook to evaluate each goal:

Step 4: Grow by Auditing Your Activities Ephesians 5:15-16 challenges us to use our time wisely. Evaluate your daily activities with a time inventory. What’s purposeful? What’s a distraction? Time inventory included in the ALIGN purpose audit.

Step 5: Nurture Your Vision Proverbs 29:18 says we perish for a lack of vision. Who do you want to become? Create a Vision Statement that reflects your spiritual, personal, and relational goals.

The A.L.I.G.N. framework helps you evaluate your life holistically and realign with God’s purpose. Start small, stay consistent, and remember: your purpose isn’t about doing more—it’s about being who God created you to be.

CTA: Want more encouragement like this? Join the Purpose Minded Woman community by subscribing to Purposefully Nourished and receive weekly inspiration to help you live intentionally and purposefully. Download ALIGN for free.

5-step process to align your goals, values, and activities with your God-given purpose. Start living with clarity and intention today!


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