purposefully nourished
Purposefully Nourished is a weekly newsletter sent every Monday at 8:00 a.m. It is an extension of the blog, where we go deeper to pique your curiosity, build your faith, and empower you to take inspired action.
Each issue of Purposefully Nourished is a source of nourishment for your mind, body, and soul so that every step you take is feeding your purpose with intention aligned with God, your values, and your life goals.
Discover Your Perfect Productivity Persona:
In a world that often excludes God from the conversation about productivity, this video is grounded in faith. As Christian women, we know that our true productivity comes from aligning our plans with God’s will. So, if you’re tired of the endless hustle that leaves you drained, this video offers a fresh, faith-filled perspective on productivity designed specifically for you.